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Computer-based body posture examination

In our institutions we offer our clients computer-based body posture examination by means of DIERS 3D/4D FORMETRIC apparatus. Currently postural deformations are becoming one of the most serious social diseases. Nowadays children spend more and more time sitting in front of the television and the computer as well as they spend a lot of time at school. Doctors alarm that 80-90 % of children have postural deformations, which neglected and untreated result in serious consequences in a short period. They contribute to deterioration of human body mobility and efficiency. As a result, body statics is disturbed and the range of joint mobility is restricted. Research shows that one in every three children has low physical efficiency and nearly 50% have a very poor mobility.

Thanks to the equipment for computer-based body posture examination it is possible to conduct non-invasive, precise and objective diagnostic tests of posture. A very high accuracy of measurement allows for early detection of deformations at an initial stage of their development. The apparatus works on the basis of the Moire’s photogrammetric method, which is recommended by physical therapists, rehabilitation medicine specialists (physiatrists) as well as orthopedists, and it eliminates an X-ray in many cases